Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Enjoying Simple Pleasures

One thing our family has enjoyed this summer is having an evening fire on our deck. Emma loves to sit and roast marsh mellows with her daddy! It also is fun because it draws a crowd, every time we built a fire at least two or more of my nieces and nephews would join. Watching Jonathan come home from work, relax with a cold beer and sit with his girls around the fire always makes me happy. It’s one of those simple pleasures we enjoy! Besides I feel like I am being a “good wife” (ha, ha, ha) when he really gets to rest in the evenings. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like every night is a perfect dream. We most definitely have our moments; thank the Lord for His forgiveness. Anyway I believe God is pleased when we our resting in our vocations and can truly enjoy our husbands.

I love the look on Jonathans face.

"Blow on it Emma, its really hot!"
Bonding time with Daddy!


  1. Very nice! We need to get together with you all one of these nights!

  2. Yes in the next two weeks! Maybe on the weekend we could have pizza at our house our somthin like that? Or we could have you over to watch the huskies opening game on Saturday?

  3. Looks like lots of fun! A few weeks ago we had some bon fires at our house, had people over and had smores and sang songs around the fire. I can't wait to do that some more- it would be fun to do it with you!

  4. Molly,

    I love to watch my husband relax and enjoy our children in the evening too. Chris got home around 7:30 last night and then wrestled with our children for about 45 minutes. I try to get pictures because it is so precious to have those little moments with Daddy saved. The Lord has definately blessed us with wonderful husbands. Emma is going to be such a great little helper with her new sister. See you soon.
