This inspired me to put the scripture into Emma. You can tell this girl is surrounded by a story. Listening to this girl's mom in the background, you can tell that she's putting the story into her daughter.
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
Wow! I'm inspired too! Thank you.
ReplyDelete"Out of the mouths of babes..." His Word does not return void. - Thank you for sharing this. :)
We've listened to this about three times now over the last few days.
ReplyDeleteThe thing that hits me more each time is that, even though at first it seems that she is just repeating a string of phrases she has heard over and over, after a while I got the feeling that she ACTUALLY BELIEVES every word she is saying. She has the trusting faith of a child. It's true - "out of the mouth of babes God has perfected praise."
After all, faith does come by hearing. What my children hear over and over they will believe... and speak.
Amen Leah, faith comes by hearing. What more would we want for our children but to speak the scripture like this girl with all boldness. I am inspired to teach Emma,who cares I she is just repeating the understanding will come later