I like snow days for many reasons, most of all making special memories with Emma. Emma is filled with so much amazement every time it snows. She is always askin me, "mom when is it gona snow?" and I tell her "I dont know Emma you have to ask God". So the other morning she hops out of bed and says look mom God gave us snow, then the next thing I know she is standing outside saying "thank you God! you gave us snow, Look momma He gave us so much snow", then she says "Momma, is He listening to me? Where is He?" It was so sweet to se the innocence of a child and the faith they have. Anyway the last couple days have been very cozy and relaxing (despite the countless times we take off an on snow clothes). When it snows I just decide its a "fun day" Im gonna be a "fun mom" and not worry about getting things done, I just wana enjoy it. Emma and I made cookies and banana bread for daddy and had lots of fun enjoying the snow. Maddie was here to but she wasn't quite sure what to think of the snow or how to enjoy it!

Emma makin cookies

Mommy and Maddie are snow bunnies

Very sweet. Izzie and I snapped a few photos out in the snow too!