Sunday, August 29, 2010
A Girl with Bold Assertions
This inspired me to put the scripture into Emma. You can tell this girl is surrounded by a story. Listening to this girl's mom in the background, you can tell that she's putting the story into her daughter.
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
19 Days and Counting!!!
Being pregnant has definitely given me a new appreciation for my mom and any mother out there who has gone through this any amount of times. I also think God has given us scriptures to comfort us at times like these. This is the one that has helped me: But women will be saved through childbearing--if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety. 1 Timothy 2:15
Yesterday Jonathan took me to Babies-R-Us and we bought all the last little necessities for our baby. Picking out all the blankets and lil outfits was so much fun and made having a baby seem more real and exciting to me. We still have not come up with a name for her but Jonathan says we will know it when we see her! I can hardly wait to see her little face and hold her on the other side. I will keep everyone updated as it gets closer. Please pray for the peace of our household, if you’ve had any children you probably know why I’m asking for prayer!
The bump looks smaller with a sweat shirt on.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
A Summer Day
She likes to wear her "romper"
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
One of "Those" Days
This morning when I awoke, I was already so exhausted. The day hadn’t even begun and every bone in my body was aching. Last night I could not fall asleep because the baby was kicking me and making me so uncomfortable, Emma woke up at 3:15 and then Jonathans alarm was going off at 5:30. WOW, what a night! Well this was just the beginning, after I ate my breakfast my stomach felt terrible, It left me feeling nauseous all morning. At this point my outlook on the day was not very bright. The door bell rang, it was Marilyn! she was coming over to help me clean my house. How selfish am I, all I could think about was my aching body. When right in front of me was Marilyn, who instead of taking time out of her day to come help me, could have been making money. At this point I was starting to feel a little guilty about being so selfish, but to share with you the total depravity of my heart, I will tell you about the rest of my morning.
As Marilyn was vigorously scrubbing my bathroom floor, I was folding laundry. One thing led to the other and the next thing I knew I was looking around my house and backyard becoming mad at Jonathan for not taking care of all the piddly messes. The tension was beginning to rise and I was finding myself yelling at Emma for no reason, just because she was interrupting my scene and causing me to be uncomfortable. Next on the list was to make Jonathans lunch and drive it out to I- 5, another blessing. Here is where I really was able to see my selfishness. Once I got to I-5 and Jonathan was asking me how my morning was going, I started to complain to him and tell him all about the things he’s not doing. Here he was working in the 95 degree heat, dealing with the pressures of the real world, while I was complaining about how “hard” my morning was. How unthankful am I? Well the Lord came to me in my conversation to Jonathan.
What a blessing that we have our husbands to wash us! I’m so thankful that Jonathan was able to show me my sin, not like it was hard to find, now I could enjoy my day and Emma so much more. Also its very convicting for a wife to think about all that her husband does for her in a day and compare it to what she has to do. Let’s admit, in comparison we have the easier job. If I just thought about that I could be convicted 20 million times a day. Good thing the Lord has grace and mercy on a sinner like me! I wanted to share the events of this morning with you to show how the life of real “sinner mom” can be. Praise the Lord that we aren’t supposed to be perfect in our vocations but that they are supposed to cause us to see our sin and make us to cry out for help.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Deliverance Is Nigh
Sunday, August 22, 2010
A Special Fort From Uncle Dave
This is the amazing fort!
She likes to play with Crystal
Upgrade Time
Friday night we started with going to home depot and getting the paint we needed for our bathroom. Of course, going to home depot is always a dangerous thing. We always end up getting one too many good ideas for ways to upgrade the house. This time we had the brainwave that wainscoting and a crown molding would look really nice in our bathroom too! That’s what ends up happening when your husband works for a company who remodels casinos, casinos don’t spare one cent on a remodel. O well, at least he has good ideas on how to make it look classy! Anyway, we went home and began the painting process in our bathroom. Saturday afternoon we went and got everything else we needed to complete the project. I always like spending Saturdays doing projects, it gives me a sense of accomplishment at the end of the week, plus it’s a great way to spend a weekend with your husband.
Maybe a little too much help?
Work, Work, Work!
The start of the wainscoting.
A view of the almost finished project!!!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
So Sweet In Vintage
She is always asks to wear a dress so she can dance and twirl!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Money Savin Mothers
If you like fresh fruit, great veggies and low prices on great cuts of meat, this is the place to shop. One of the great cuts of meat Jonathan and I really like is the California Carne Asada, If your family likes Mexican for dinner, you have got to try this out, and don’t forget the salsa to go with it. Michaels Meats is located on Martin Way just before you get to Costco. (I'm not quite sure of the address.) O and did I mention the “Value Packs” you get in the mail every week that we all normally just throw away? Well DON'T ! There is a coupon inside that reads, "Spend $20 at Michael’s Meats and get a free pound of ground beef". (Or sometimes a rib eye steak - the free bee changes every week.) So ladies, let’s make our husbands happy and keep the savings in the bill!!!

Monday, August 16, 2010
A Wonderful Weekend
It was such a joy just being there with our family, relaxing and enjoying this beautiful day together. It was a little uncomfortable for me; I had no chair and was lying on the ground the whole day. It was a little grueling for a pregnant woman who's about to pop, but the fun that we were having outweighed the discomfort.
Also, it made me very happy to see Jonathan enjoying the day riding jet skis and clearing his brain from a long week of work. We had so much fun here and would love to do it again.
It’s always amazing when undeserving sinners like us get to enjoy the blessings that God has for us.
I believe we were truly fulfilling our calling Saturday, glorifying God and enjoying Him forever !!!
This was the view from the lake.
Goin for a ride with daddy!