O give thanks unto the LORD, for He is good: for his mercy endureth forever..
Psalm 107: 1
Hot cocoa by the fire!
Wow, I can’t believe time has gone by so fast. I always say the first 6 weeks after you have your baby fly by much faster than the last six weeks before you have your baby. Anyway, Madelyn is now 8 weeks old (almost 2months). She is just starting to learn how to make contact with me and smile back, it’s too sweet! She is also learning to cry when she wants held, any mom knows what that is like, but I still enjoy every moment of it. Who wouldn’t want to hold such sweet girl like Maddie! Here some recent pictures of our sweet little bundle.
As some of you may know, Emma is quite an active girl. On these rainy days she needs many constructive activities to keep her busy. I have been teaching her how to draw, paint and color in the lines. This also helps bring peace in our home so that I am not frazzled out trying to keep up with her. Anyway she also likes to color when she visits the waters, she’ll probably learn how to be much more artistic over at their house then I could ever teach her. I am very thankful that mothers have gone before me and can teach me ways to bring peace in my home while enjoying my children!
I never thought I would be the type of mom to put my girls in matching outfits but when I saw these I couldn’t resist! These are just some quick snapshots from my I-phone. We will be doing professional photos quite soon.
Sunday night this was the picture Jonathan had texted to me around 10:00 p.m, with text that read "off to work for the night". This week he’s headed off to Oklahoma , working night hours. As many of you may know, I-5 has been slammed with work. Although we are so thankful for the prosperity it brings, we miss seeing our daddy. I just wanted to do this post in honor of my wonderful husband Jonathan. I am so thankful that he goes out every day or night and works for me and our girls. I think it is very important for wives to show their husbands their thankfulness in simple, visual and physical ways. I have found that simple things like keeping a clean and warm home show him that I care, as well as much affection when he is home. Also doing extra little things makes him feel special. For example, I know Jonathan really likes chocolate ice cream and crunchy green grapes so when he is gonna be home I like to make sure the fridge is all stocked up. O yes, and most importantly SPENDING HIS MONEY WISELY! I am not saying I have attained to this on all levels, but I like to make it a game and see how much I can save in a week. Even the basic things like making sure his laundry is folded neatly and in his drawers can speak volumes, it shows that he is on the for front of my mind. I like the girls to be a part of honoring their dad to so Emma and I will paint pictures for daddy, (good bonding time for mommy as well) and give them to him when he gets home. I also record lil' videos of her on my iphone and e-mail them to him, gotta love technology! Anyway I did not write this post to say I am perfect in some of these ways of showing honor to my husband, but to share with you ways I have seen create peace and show Jonathan I love him very much. I am hoping this will encourage any wife who is reading this to show their husband how thankful they really are for the life he lays down for them every day.
The other day I was watching the food network and saw Giada De Laurentis making caramel apples. This reminded me of the ones I have had from the Rocky Mountian Chocolate Factory. They are amazing covered in caramel, milk chocolate and white chocolate, so delicious! So tonight as a special project we attempted to make caramel apples like the ones from Rocky Mountain chocolate factory. Well ours were a far cry from those but we still had a great time doing it. We always have fun being with the waters daughters. Emma was more interested in just eating the caramel and putting sprinkles on them. We most definitely will be getting help from our friend Marie when we try to make them for thanksgiving